Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why does my dog eat gr ?.?

I have a older dog that likes to munch on gr and weeds , I don't know why . She is about 5-8 yrs old and she eats well ,but she still likes to eat alittle gr or weeds on occasion . She also has runny eyes all day , 7 days a week . She also has cataracs ? in both eyes . Is there anything I can buy to dry up her eyes , they are blood shot most times too. Any suggestions ?.

Is 60,000 miles too many for a used 2005 car?

I am wondering if 60,000 miles is too many for a used 2005 Scion TC. The guy is selling it for $8,500. Would I be getting ripped off or not? Thanks.

Should I work for an escort service?

I think the job requires a little more than you think. Your boyfriend will probably not like the idea of a bunch of dudes messing with his girl at a bachelor party.

Why is my 6-cylinder 1991 Toyota Camry with a V6 engine overheating?

Is the oil changing colour to a milky white? If so, that indicates a blown head gasket. Let the engine idle and remove the radiator cap. If You see bubbles, that means air (exhaust gas) is getting in, and as the cooling system is supposed to be sealed, a blown gasket is usually the cause. Your last descriptive sentence also indicates that your cooling system is being over pressurised, and thus, causing coolant to over flow in to the catch can.

Is it normal to have severe abdominal pain during pregnancy ?EMERGENCY .?

She is severly in pain , she cant stop crying , its making it hard for her to breath , she cant even talk to us , slowly it is calming down , but it comes back , at the moment she is very relaxed .

You love a person and he meets with an accident and his face burns off ? what will ya do?best anser-10 points?

I saw wedding pics of a guy who had his face burned off in Iraq and the bride looked really really sad in the pic... nothing worse then a sad bride on her wedding day. For me tough if she still had a nice body I might be able to live with it... not real sure tough

Wait... have I been demoted somehow?

I work on a small team of people - about 4 of us doing the same sort of work. One of these co-workers of mine was promoted today. Now we all report to her and she continues to report to the person who used to be my boss. Am I being stupid for feeling that I have been demoted in some way? Isn't who you report to somewhat important or is it not? With our economy I think my former boss is an idiot for doing this as we just laid off 40 something people. He seems to be delegating himself out of a job - but that is a whole other topic.

Hey, I was wondering if there was any way I could stop paying child support to?

your a jerk you helped make them children you provide for them! all children need their fathers and if ur not capable of being a father then stop putting it about men like you shouldnt be allowed to have children if you cant stand up and be a man and take care of ur kids u really do disgust me ur a very selfish person

Should I go with the fender or the G&l?

I plan on getting an american deluxe fender strat. But I heard about this other guitar called a G&L legacy. I know a lot about the strat but not so much the Legacy. What are the differences between them as far as pickups, type of wood, features etc. and which would suit my preferences more. I like to play alternative, grunge, blues, jazz, clic rock, hard rock, progressive, and metal. A few of my favorite bands are Pink floyd, Led zeppelin, U2, Rush, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Guns N' Roses, Pearl Jam, Metallica, Oasis, Coldplay, The Beatles, Audioslave etc.

Is it really illegal to post an add that you would be willing to adopt a baby due to unwanted children?

I'm not sure of the legalities but I really want to know if anyone knows this because I personally don't see anything wrong with it because people post adds in the newspapers locally here and also all over the internet in different forums where they think that potentially they could reach out to some and it be beneficial to both mother/child and the adoptive parents. Is that so wrong?

Where can i download hamlet audio book?

YAKiToMe! has it here: a href="http://www.yakitome.com/cgi-bin/output.py?sID=1160" rel="nofollow"http://www.yakitome.com/cgi-bin/output.p…/a

How you deal with annoying girls (or boys), who make fun of you, even as an adult?

I've learned to just ignore it. Keep a strong metal toughness. the more you ignore and not respond the less likely they respond back. and you win! To deal with it you can also do a sport or workout, to releive stress

Busch Gardens or Universal Studio's?

Okay so In June I am going to Williamsburg (lived there for 1 year AND VIRGINIA ROCKS MY SOCKS) Im so excited because I haven't been to Busch Gardens in Forever. Obvoiously Busch Gardens is known for its Crazy rollercoaster Apollo's Chariot. I haven't been to Universal yet so my pick would be Busch Gardens. Do you Like Universal or Busch better and If you like busch did you like Apollo's chariot or the Griffin? Thanks.

How do I take care of Hydrangeas?

Always cut off the blooms when they are through flowering. You may have a soil deficiency so buy an all purpose fertilizer

Recurring dream? Haunted mansion please help interpret?

Hi i wonder if anyone could help me about this dream ive had since i was about 6 or 7, basically im living in this huge haunted house im only about 9 or 10 in the dream i live with and aunt and two of my boy cousins, its very vague when im dreaming it but when i wake up its very difficult to remember it. i always remember certain parts anyway my aunt and the butler tells me not to walk around at night the butler shouts with a very stern scary voice dont you dare go wondering at night, so one night i decide to sneak around the house out of curiosity i just remember it taking me ages to get to the other side of the mansion, then i come to this wierd place in the caste that looks like a hall with a stage on it i start seeing ghostly spirits so i scream and run im wearing this strange nightie which i can remember its white and flowy a bit like a victorian style night dress anyway the spirits follow me and im petrified in my dream my hearts beating like crazy then i get to this room try and open it then i wake up. I never get to see whats in it what does this all mean? im now 23 and ive been having this for years i dont get it often every now and again and it also changes slightly everytime i dream it.

Can you wear black in a wedding?

I'll be attending a friend's wedding and I just have the perfect dress to wear but it's a little black dress. I know most of them will probably wear pastel colors but I just love my dress and I know I would look good on it. What do you think?

What would a good self-sustaining guppy environment be?

I thought of using brine shrimp or microworms, I'd just like to verify it. It's self-sustaining so I can't put anything in.

*SPOILER*How is Xavier walking in the end of "Wolverine: Origins" ?

X-Men Orgins: Wolverine was a prequel in continuity with the X-Men trilogy. They were going to make another origins story for Magneto and probably others. Scratched the idea, probably because it would be a lot of movies to make and they had to make a lot just to make the Avengers. So, X-Men: First Cl was made instead, sort of an origin story but not in continuity with the other X-Men films. Hence Mystique being a different actress, Cyclops's younger brother somehow being around Xavier's age, and hence them being able to make Beast and Mystique coupley despite them having nothing together in the other movies (plus, Mystique a in the comics and not an X-Woman).


we been off and on this summer but we finally stop talking...i can feel im startin to lose feelings but i still have a little in me that still wants her...what should i do? i really can't go back to her because she treated me like ****..she think she right about everything and always accuse me of things i really don't be doing...i want to be completely be over her... help please

What kind of objections do people raise about Wind Turbines?

my parents live in the east side of a slug of them along Buffalo ridge in southwest Minnesota. its always been said that the spirits on buffalo ridge affect the weather, sunny on the east side and foggy on the west side. anyway, the wind turbines they say affect the weather, less snow, less severe weather, it could be really stormy and tornado warnings on the west side but once they hit the turbines they either move to the north or they lose all their energy to produce severe weather. and their just ugly so thats brought up a lot too.

Do you think that a person should still move after filing a restraining order on an abuser?

I have been in a relationship for almost 5 years and it has been abusive the last three. The police are no help. Upon asking them to remove my partner (who is not on my new lease, paid no rent for the last 3 months), they told him to leave and come back the next day. I told them that I did not agree and he blacked my eye two months ago. I filed a restraining order two days ago, but the police has not served it yet. So, the last two days he has been coming in drunk, refusing to walk his pitbull(it shitted on my floor over 6 times the last 48 hours), threatening to kill himself, and blaming me for everything. I have been paying over 1000 dollars for rent, buying all food and personals, but have no rights it seems. I am feeling like I am married to this because he won't leave, the police don't care, and I have constant headaches & throw up all the time. I feel like he is going to snap off and kill me if noone else steps in. I have no extra money now & he won't pay.

What are the basic ingredients of wine?

Generally, you do not add water to wine. The exceptions are mead, those "country" wines that require boiling to extract the flavor and fermentables, and oddball wines such as coffee and tea wines. Yeast nutrients are needed to support yeast growth in country wines, not in g wines. It is generally a good idea to kill wild yeasts and bacteria wirh campden tablets a day before pitching a wine yeast. You can stop fermentation a day before bottling the same way, if you want.

What does it mean when you dream about someone you haven't seen in awhile, but weren't really close to?

I just woke up and I had a dream that I was at school for something, but it was night time. Then, the dream ended with me going out to my locker. I saw two kids from the school I went to last year, a guy and a girl. They were a year ahead of me and this year, they go to high school just down the street from my new school. I was friends with them, but we weren't really close. And then, I found out they were dating. I was really happy to see them, it was just random when I woke up. Does anyone know what this means? It's not a big deal, it was just kind of random, aha. So, if you're an expert or you know something about the subconscious, could ya help? Thanks(:

I need a cool title for a research paper, help? :)?

I'm writing a research paper on how important rules are in our modern society (in conjunction with the book Lord of the Flies). I really do need a interesting title for it. Please help?

Please tell me what you think of my writing?

Omg!! its really good im elewven and i like it. i love to read. r u going to sdell ir. ill buy it. i have to critize though. in the shower? u felt like screaming cuz u saw blood? i was confused! wat were u feeling like screaming about. but otherwise its great! can u write more plzz

Can someone write a conclusion about TV censorship?

TV censorship is another way for the religious radicals to control what we watch and hear about. It should be the responsibilty of the parent to decide what their kids can and can't watch not the govt.

How do i convert an audio file (say .wav) into a video (say .mpeg or equivalent) with selected pictures?

use windows movie maker, drag the audio file into the time line bar and then drag in the pictures, play with it for a while and you should have it

How do i get my dad to appreciat my work?

Turn it into a saleable work and make some money doing it. Parents don't usually see a great deal of worth for their children in entertainment, beyond well, entertainment. Parents want to see their children able to make it on their own out in the real world.

I need help with Fundraising!?!?

O.K., so I am on my High Schools Dance Team and we need 21,000 dollars by Home Coming time and we only have $30.00 dollars. We were supposed to turn in ideas today to our Coach and we got in trouble because we don't have much money. does anybody know what are some good ideas for a fundraiser?? Thank you!

I barely seem to put on weight. I really need to gain muscles around my limbs and thighs.. Help!!! :((?

I've neva been tht chubby. bt lately, i really dunn seem to put on weight with the every day normal diet. and especially at the portions below my hips, thighs that is. Neither is it that i am anorexic, I got a pretty good diet..

Book idea? Any good? Plot and etc included?

Hey i have been brainstorming some ideas and i have an idea which i kinda like but just need some blanks filled in to carry on and sort it out. Ok so il write it then ask for help: The year is 2067 and back in 2019 the world got caught into a giant nuclear war and there are very few if any safe zones and you are a young adult/teen who lives in the corruptly run europa land ( the names for places no longer exist anymore so where europa actually is is up for debate anyway) adn for years you have wandered whats going on in the private factory like building, you remember going there as a child for some reson so one day you somehow sneak in and basically realise that its being used to manufacture or restore weapons and WMD's and on your way out you get caught but resist and are now on the run, you manage to steal some doents and realsie you ahve the target list for where the attacks will occur as they seek world domination, so basically you go to warn people of it and try to get a group to prevent it and on the way you battle mutants etc, and yeh any other suggestions would help and i would like to now possibly what countrys would not be involved ia gaint nuclear war and also i want to incorporate maybe some sort of distant creaute like aliens but not as alieny lol. Thanks for reading and any constructive criticsm welcomed.

There is not enough space to burn this compilation to disc- Nero Vision?

Recently I burned an avi file (actually two), to a standard DVD-R using Nero Vision 4. But now when I try to burn only one avi file that is only about 789 mb, I am having problems. The Nero Vision bar says 4.36 of 4.37, good. After almost 3 hours of encoding, the disc pops out saying, there is not enough space to burn this compilation to disc, please insert another disc that has enough space. I have tried more than 5 times with different methods. Has anyone ever had this problem, and how do you fix it. By the way I am using Nero Vision 4 and Nero Startsmart 7. All help is appreciated

Are tonfas legal in missouri to have say in your cars trunk?

i am curious if i would get in trouble for having a tonfa in my car? i am also wondering if there would be a difference in legality of the PR-24 (model) of the tonfa aka police baton and a traditional wooden tonfa? if anyone could give me actual refrences to a government website that has something on the matter that would be great. i have searched and not found anything really... thanks for your help

I bought some of the rainforest...?

I bought some of the rainforest at the zoo for 50 cents, and now have 100 feet of the rainforest...is it really my land? They say it is, but can people tear down the trees in it?

Why does my Chinchilla have odd stool?

some times this happens because of the change in food you give them. also check his eyes and see if they are cloudy if so he has worms.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Music on Michael Phelps' iPod?

I wonder what music he listens to on his infamous iPod before he competes in each of the Olympic events? Whatever it is, it seems to be working.

Did I eat too much?

For the whole day, that is certainly not enough... Even if you're on a low-calorie diet, you need at least 1000 calories for your body to have enough energy to maintain its many functions. I know that consuming low numbers of calories may seem like a good idea, but it generally backfires because not eating enough signals to a hormone that produces more fat to keep you alive (even though you aren't ACTUALLY dying, your body thinks you are). This will make you GAIN weight, the counter-effect of what you're likely trying to do.

Securing the bottom plate to a concrete floor?

Get you a few concrete tapcon screws. If you plan to use wood as your bottom plate and your concrete floor is kinda green then use cut nails, if its an older flower that is really cured then use the round concrete nails that have a slight spiral to them plus some Liquid nails glue. The nails are the cheapest way but by all means use safety gles, tapcon screws are your next bet, but the best way is to rent a concrete nail gun, If you go this way just ask the dealer what you are going to shot to the floor, whether wood or metal and he will advise you on which colored shot to us.

How do i make my guitar sound certain ways?

for example, how do i make it sound like the one from False Pretense by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. and how do i make it sound like the ones from Bullet For My Valentine and Atreyu? my amp has a Drive knob that goes to 10, high, mid, and low knobs that all go to 10, and 3 switches: one that switches between Hot, High Gain and Clean, one that alternates between Calif, British, and Tweed, and one that is from Us, Uk, and flat. Help me please.

Cesc should Arsenal cash in on him in the summer?

yeah i'd be more than happy to sell him. we haven't won anything with him, injured alot, and he is going to leave us for Barca 1 day

How does the bronze medal work in Olympic Judo?

I know that two are awarded but I don't understand who fights in the bronze medal matches. The final is obviously between the two undefeated judoka throughout the tournament, but who goes to the bronze medal matches? I know it has something to do with losing to an eventual semi-finalist or something like that but I really don't know.

If BC goes undefeated, will they play for the National Title?

I agree that I will be hard for BC to p another undefeated team although it would be interesting to see if the voters would eventually let OSU back in the BCS Title Game after getting ravished by the Gators.

Traditional Japanese Winter Wear (Pre-WWII Era)?

I'm writing up a little bit of fiction for NaNoWriMo and intend to make it as legit as possible. Now, I know that kimonos and the like made out of silk, hemp, or even cotton can get pretty chilly in the winter months, so I was wondering what type of clothing was worn during the cold winter months in Japan while traditional clothing was still in fashion.

I'm working on a little project & i need a red tutu. where can i find one?

exactly like THIS http://www.caufields.com/productimages/Halloween/Images/60_5083.jpg (just the tutu-not the whole thing) in RED!

Is It "O.K" to have a CRUSH on your STEPMOM'S BROTHER?

I was just wondering as she's not my mother and although he's apparently my "Uncle" were not related so is it o.k?

Teacher's College: Trent University or Niagara University (Toronto Campus)? I need some info...?

Place the name of each school separately into your favorite search engine and then add the phrase reviews and ratings. Compare and contrast them

In Breaking Dawn what does imprinting mean?? I am still very confused about it. someone please explain!!

imprinting is only for werewolves it is like love at first sight but a lot more intense. when a werewolf imprints they cannot stay away from that person, it is their soulmate and would do anything for them it is like magic they can't control it and no matter what the consequence is they will do anything to be with them. in the book it said that for the male werewolves it is the person destined to help produce the werewolf gene to the offsprings...it is the ONE AND ONLY PERSON FOR THEM... life is nothing without them...their is a really good explanation in eclipse... it is kinda hard to explain but i hope i helped...

Are these names weird to you?

the only thing that i might say no to is beau river. i feel like his uality is going to be questioned from the beginning with that middle name.

Do you think the press would have been all over GW if he said what 0bama said about the war?

Recently 0bama stated that he is not looking for 'victory' but only 'results' and added that he knew what it felt like when Emperor Hirohito signed the surrender of Japan. actually it was the emperor's cousin the Premier of Japan that signed the doented certificate on september 2, 1945. Does 0bama know as much as a 5th grader? The Libs and the late night jerks called comedians would still be beating George up with it. Nothing will dare be said by the phony ****ards

Will Robbie Keane follow Jermaine Pennant?

a href="http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool-fc/liverpool-fc-news/2009/01/26/why-i-left-out-robbie-keane-liverpool-fc-boss-rafa-benitez-100252-22780346/" rel="nofollow"http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool…/a

Anyone interested in my crazy bridesmaids weekend?

Its her wedding her money and you agreed to be her bridesmaid to appease her, Suck it up is all i can say thats how brides are. The open bar for part then cash bar is fine I have seen it done and if you are too cheap to buy your own booze you shouldnt drink. ALl those close to her will stay and the lush's will leave. Let her plan her wedding it's her big day not yours. And shell do it how she wants regardless of what you say,

Hi everybody! I'm Italian...I'm looking for some lines of Hamlet...I know them in Italian and I tried to

translate them in English ("sweeter would be death if my last glance would have as horizon your face. And if so I would like to be born 1000 times for 1000 times to die again") but I'd like to have the original lines!! Can you help me??

What is the minimum length of hair you can donate to be made into wigs for cancer patients?

I've been growing my hair out for a few years now because I'd like to donate it so it can be made into wigs for cancer patients, or other people who have lost their hair. My hair is long, curly, and extremely thick, and it seems to grow ridiculously fast. I don't want to shave it all off, though -- is it acceptable to just get it cut off to your shoulders and donate the rest, or does it have to be shaven for some reason? I was thinking I'd let it grow out to my waist or the small of my back before I had it cut. (It's already midway down my back) Would that be okay?

Will somebody tell me how a bird can look at another bird and say that shes beautiful?

How can a woman judge another? They,ve got no idea what blokes like. When i hear them say it, it sounds a bit lessie. One bird can,t another, it,s like a bloke saying that another bloke is pretty. You keep on putting the old stippilick on girls and we,ll tell you what you look like. To the guys////// Sorry that i can,t answer my last question but i,ve been bombarded by birds begging me not to let you know sorry

2 small 4 guys? (im short and neva had a boy friend)?

i have red hair, a size 32A, and chicken legs, and 4ft 9. im 14 en neva had a bf. im not popular at school either. every1 thinks im anerexic even though i tell them im not.(im 85 pounds) i know im skinny and trying 2 gain weight.... am i 2 small 4 guys?

If I buy a Kosher Turkey, can I skip the brining step?

I always brine my turkey. This year, I got a kosher turkey. I know that kosher poultry is brined as part of the preparation process. But, is there any advantage or disadvantage to brining further (like having a turkey being over salted)?

What should i do when I find drugs in my sons room?

I have a 14 year old son and I just found him smoking pot in his room. I search his room and found a lot of pills in bags, water bongs and home make pipes. I took him to see a psychiatry's and she just recommended this school to put him in. this school is 2 hours away from were we live and the school hours are 9am to 3pm. so this school is not an option. I have taken everything away from him and i now take him to and from school and he is not aloud out or to play with friends.he is now starting to re-bale by breaking things up, tear up the house, break things. I have taken the belt to his and all he does if laugh and ask me if that was meant to hurt me. I need help, what should i do??? my teen is getting out of hand, some one please help me. he will not tell me or anyone were he got the drugs from!! my son has not ever really had any friends. what should i do?

Where does God usually talk to you?

In the water i seem to be in a state of relaxation and more open to communication. Sometimes I wish i had a pad of paper to write down my thoughts, but they would get all wet.

I'm not american and i need help with some things?

the little circle is degree as in temperature. apparently red-green color blindness is just a kind of color blindness....i haven't heard of it before. I guess they can only see 2 colors. good luck.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Help please powerpointt! ?

I'd make sure to use the "Washout" effect on that picture. Use any font but with black text and white shading, so it will stand out from the background.

If you found a stinky brick of cheese on the beach, you wouldn't think, "This Cheese must have made itself'

This looks like absolute proof that ID is correct. Please do not show this to Crocaduck Cameron, or he will share it with the world and atheism will disappear overnight.

Why is the 2nd top contributor in this section a devout communist?

Well I guess he told the majority of askers what they wanted to hear. Just like Paul Gr used bots and voted himself best answer for all of his un-picked answers.. Stuff like that.

Guys what does this mean? What should I do?

ok.. theres dis weird kid in my cl and he's a jerk! He used 2 sit behind me and thro stuff at me and he was like "oh sry i was aiming sumwhere else" and im like sure... and he's like "we hav 2 strong of relationship 4 me 2 thro stuff at u! i would never thro stuff at u, i luv u!" O.o. and then 2day he got mad and was like "ok i see how it is! after all i've dun 4 u! im never talkin 2 u again! our relationship is ovr!" and im like "psh" weirdo..and then people were just staring cuz he shouted it 10 ft away. hes such an idiot, and he keeps talkn' about me w/ his frends its like omg get ovr urslf! I dont noe if maybe he's picking on me cuz im the only freshman in the cl (the rest of them are sopres, juniors, and a few seniors) or he likes me? But even if he does pick on me cuz I'm the "youngest" why is he the only one? No one else in the cl wastes their time bothering me. By the way, he is a 16-yr-old sopre..He's on myspace but we nvr talk on there.

Is this a good introduction to my paper?

On September 11, 2001, the terrorist cell al-Qaeda placed an all out attack on our nation’s soil. By using our jets to crash into both World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon, this countries weakness was exposed and perfectly executed by the terrorists. The mastermind of this plan was Osama bin Laden. As head of al-Qaeda, bin Laden was also the mastermind of the 1993 WTC bombings and the USS Cole bombing. A week after September 11, Congress ped the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists. This allowed our military to use military force against terrorist targets including al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The main front of the initial War on Terror was in Afghanistan, where Osama bin Laden was hiding and a large amount number of al-Qaeda and Taliban occupied. For some odd reason, 18 months after the War on Terror began, our military was placed into a new situation. The Iraq War has been going on for over four years now. Many people argue about whether we should be there anymore. We shouldn’t argue this since our government is basically giving us clear signals that we are to have a long-term presence in that country. We are building large embies and large bases in Iraq. We are increasing our troop presence in the nation. Even leading Democratic Presidential nominees can’t promise a troop withdrawal by the end of their first term in office. Instead, arguing about whether or not this nation should have went to Iraq in the first place is more appropriate. Everybody has an opinion on whether or not we should have invaded Iraq, but the reasons against invading Iraq include Iraq posed no threat to our national security, the new idea of using military force to spread democracy is ridiculous and that a war in Iraq would lead to more terrorists.

Is myhard drive dead?

static electricity is within your body......check all the cables are back in correctly, make sure the jumpers are in fully, the little grey bars at back of drive, .........

I need you help with this?

i am a girl and i am not into guys never were sometimes i see myself looking at other girls sometimes i think i am gay but not sure and if i am i am having a really hard time geting out and i think i want to i ask my friends what would they do if i was like you know gay i say its as a joke and they say no we won't be friends i am scared please help me and don't jug me please

Why does society try teaching you that there's certain things you HAVE to do to be "normal"?

You're hanging around the wrong people. Now that you're 21- discover yourself- stick to your guns and find new friends.

Are there any risks involved with IDE/USB?

The motherboard was fried on an old computer of mine. I have now taken it apart and removed the hard drive. Since this was formerly the drive I booted from, could any data be harmed by using IDE/USB to connect it to a different computer and remove individual files. (i.e. ruined pagefile?)

A guy at my bus stop keeps telling me he is an fbi agent and i dont beleive him. how can i find out for sure?

so much that he tells me sounds fake. like the fbi is giving him an expensive car because he works for them and they sent him to Libya last week and he had to fast for 2 days to test for west nile. he's also solved many cold cases

Give me feedback on my team, please.?

that is a good team I think you will do good you have a good player in ever spot I would rated your team a 10 that is will good.

What should i do about him?

I just started dating this guy and before me and him started dating he got out of this relationship with this other girl that broke up with him for no reason. Well when we started dating it was all good i mean he talked about his ex a lot but I understood because he got hurt by her. Well yesterday he was texting me saying im going to go to the movies well I couldn't go to the movies and I already new that his ex was going to the movies to. Later that night his ex started texting me saying i'm with your bf i'll tell him u said hey. Well I tryed to kill her with kindness saying oh thanks have fun with him. and then he texted me saying that they were going to this basketball game instead. Well sure enough his ex went to. He was still texting me and then his ex texted me saying i love how ur texting ur bf while im with him. I got so mad and I didn't talk to him for the rest of the night. Well he said he would nvr cheat on me and I said okay. Well just now he called me and said hey u wanna listen to this song so i said sure and it was about someone doing someone else wrong. at the end of the song i asked who showed him the song and he told me his ex showed it to him. He talkes about her all the time when we promised each other that we wouldnt talk about our ex's! What should I do?

What are good Engineering Colleges in NYC?

Hi, I am currently a Sopre in HS and really researching about colleges and such...find a lot of great schools and few vague ones out in the wild search. I have in mind schools such as NYU Poly, Manhatten College, SUNY Bing. (knowing it is upsate) , Rensselaer Polytechnic (knowing it is upstate) and Columbia University. I don't know if all of them are so great thats why i found them vague with the information I had found. My average right now is a 92.98, I took a AP Computer Science cl my freshman year but never got to the bound of actualy taking the AP exam. I have AP World History right now. I live in NYC as well and have honor cles...but the honor cles in the NYC public system is same as any regular cl (Same lesson, same final - regents). I am also doing robotics which is part of FIRST FRC as a programmer (Java and C++). I started preparing for my SATs already since many tell me it is the perfect time to study now. Any suggestions and information and as well more colleges based on Engineering? I am mainly looking at either Computer science, Mechanical Engineering. Any suggestions/tips?

What is the best investment for the next 20 years?

Real Estate ... Land is a limited resource .. soon more and more people will want to own some .... So , do some research on the area you want to invest at , and go ahead ....... Since you are looking for a 20 years period .. This is the best bet.

My 2009 NFL Standings Predictions?

It doesn't look too bad, although I think Green Bay will be better, and your AFC West is all screwed up. You got San Diego right, but K.C. will be lucky to win 4 or 5 games this year, the only area on that team that doesn't have a question mark is the QB, and maybe the LB's, but their pretty old. Oakland isn't bad and will probably be better than people think, especially if Garcia becomes the starter.

Free Membership for Runescape??

usually things like these are scams and you should try and stay away from them runescape is fun free but memberships give you alot more access to things that free accounts dont. you could just try out the member account for a month and see if paying 5 dollars is worth it but when it comes to sites like the one listed above i would stay away from them. usually the reason the account has to be over a certain lvl is because they want to steal that account and want it to be worth their while

Allen Iverson - True or False?

I think he's really considered a shooting guard, despite his impressive ists totals. Kevin Ollie plays the point for the Sixers, which I think is better for Iverson.

Cute kitten names for both male and female?

Take a look at DearTabbyTheAnswerCat.com. Under "Cat Care," they have HORDES of cute, fun, interesting kitty names.

My son loves crashes-normal 3 year male behavior?

It's normal. It's like the phase where you build a nice tower or sandcastle and they are all impressed that you know how to do that and then they knock it down and ask for another. He has just discovered a new way to play with his train and bus together. Absolutely normal boy behavior.

The lengths of the three altitudes of a right triangle are 12, 15 and 20. The length of the hypotenuse is?

The lengths of the three altitudes of a right triangle are 12, 15 and 20. The length of the hypotenuse of this triangle is?

I feel like my fiances sister is getting inbetween us?

Well,,,Now you "know" That when you marry him,,you will be marring her also, You "MUST" remember that blood is thicker than water, Do not fight with Her,, or about her, "YOU HAVE LOST HIM" Just buckle up an move on to someone else, It will be hard,,but thats your only answer,,Do not let yourself get "TIED"into a bad,,unhappy marrige, Just tell him that you are sorry,,Don't argue with him, Don't try to make him choose between you and her, because you will loose. ( You have already lost) Just move on with your life.

How many wins will it take for the Bears to earn some respect?

I think the Bears are over achieving right now. I don't think they suck or anything but I could see them pulling a Denver of last year and missing the playoffs after a great start. Not enough playmakers on the offense. Hester is awesome, but still needs work at receiver, and Cutler has never been very clutch or won anything. The defense is really good, especially the front 4. I think they will beat the Giants because they will get to Eli all day. If you look at power rankings they are starting to climb though, so they are starting to get some respect.

Cisco Clean Access...it keeps logging out every 3 seconds!?

Check their trouble shooting guide at a href="http://www.claflin.edu/infotech/CISCO-TroubleshootngGuide.htm" rel="nofollow"http://www.claflin.edu/infotech/CISCO-Tr…/a

Working out during my 1 hr lunch hour...?

AWSOME!! WORK OUT! ok...i live about 6min drive from work...i actually go run same time as your lunch. (SAme reason 2) if i have time i will jump in and shower off my body not my face so much...depends on how i feel. When its that late in the day honestly i dont care about my make up anymore. It takes a whole 2mins in the shower. YOu will get use to the routine. And it really is a awsome break in your day! I love it! i am going running again today! oh and depending on the run/day etc there are days when i dont shower before going back to work. No one will notice. Just enjoy!! Great job! Very proud of you!

What's the difference between the games My Tribe and Virtual Villagers?

I enjoy playing around on online flash game sites, and have seen a lot of ads for these two games. From the ads, they look very similar, so I am just wondering what the difference is between the game My Tribe, and the game Virtual Villagers. In your opinion, which is better?

Who exactly is Rudd referring to in his constant use of the term "working families"?

"Working families" is a noise that comes out of the mouth of a politician. It is a cynical bit of spin that sounds as though it means something, but disappears in a puff of flatulence when you attempt to yse it.

How do Kyle Busch fans brains work? Or do they?

Ok. I am a Dale JR fan and many times I get accused of thinking Jr is the best driver ever and blah blah blah. I don't think this way, yet I do think Jr is very talented and could do great things. Kyle Busch fans however are very open with their thinking Kyle Busch is the best ever or he is a "god". Yet, they rant and rave about how Earnhardt Jr fans think that Jr is the best ever and that he is a "god". Are they just confused or what is going on with them? I think Kyle Busch is a good not great driver and he is certainly nowhere close to being the best all time at this point in his career. So what does he have that allows his fans to think he is a god? And what does he have that allows them to think Dale Jr is the worst driver ever and Kyle Busch is way better then Jr ever was? Also, I heard Kyle Busch has a friend who works at a gay strib club for dudes and Kyle Busch frequents the place whenever he is in town. I've heard that he loves hanging out back stage. He's also been known to have biual relationships with many of the workers there and his soon to be wife really has a . Just rumors but maybe since Dale Jr is so gay, they may have a future?

How come people report you if you ask a question about religion?

I do not believe in organized religion and have that right. Why do people report me when they don't agree with me? I used no profanity nor did I insult anyone. Why so intolerant?

Middle school girl likes highschool boy!?

aww thats so cute : ) if he asks u out, u should do wat u want to do. If u really like him, then say yes and be urself.

Best fertility drugs out there?

i was told about a fertility lubricant like ky jelly and its over the counter. i was just wondering what its called well i was told you can order it online. and im just wondering what has worked the best and whats the best and safest fertility drug out there (: thank ya lots

HELP! I have a BIG interview comming up! What to ask?

research the company.....so you can small talk the interviewer about the company...ask how many ppl work for the company..]if you say something negative..back it up with something positive...if they ask what are your weaknesses...tell them what it is..but then say.."im working on that but doing........................never let you sentence end with a negative point..be confident..try not to be nervous..don't Smoke or drink coffee before going in..don't chew gum..be quick quick answers....and if you are really nervous and draw a blank you mess....just be honest and tell them..."wow..this is really nerve wracking...."and laugh it off....you will do just fine and GOOD LUCK

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Do you think hard drug addicts should be forced to get on birth control?

I think everybody, by default, should be put on mandatory birth control when they hit 12 years of age. People should only be allowed to have the sterilization procedure reversed if they take child raising cles and can demonstrate that they have sufficient finances to care for a kid.

Asatru kindreds in Colorado?

I will star this for my Asatru contacts. You may also want to check here ... a href="http://www.witchvox.com/xvn.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.witchvox.com/xvn.html/a click on the word WORLD

How do i know how many bundles of shingles i need for my roof?

both the above answers are correct, just not complete. You need to also account for the starter shingle (this one is facing backwards along the drip edge) and the ridge cap. Now depending on the type of shingle used, will determine some of this. If you are using 3-tab shingles, then the same shingle can be used for the entire roof. However, if you are using architectural shingles then you will those for the roof plus some 3-tabs for the starter and then enough hip/ridge shingles. Hope this helped. If you need further istance you may contact me directly.

My 1 year old fell out of the bed onto his back. Could it be broken or sprung?

He could have popped it out of the socket. My little sister did that when she was well under a year (not exactly sure how she did it) but every time someone touched her arm she would cry so my mom and step dad took her to the ER and the doctor just popped it back in.

I'm looking for my grandaughter?

My grandaughter Dana was born in Prescott Arizona in November of 1993. In 1998 she was put up for adoption by her mother. I tried with everything in my power to to be able to adopt her. Her birth name was Dana Elaine Crowder-Matthews. I have her listed on Myspace.com. How can I find her? Who can help me? I am very sick and I have to find her and make sure she knows that her grandpa and I loved her very much.

Why does Charlie Sheen think he is soo special?

I think all his money and fame has actually gone to his head. Well I think thats half of it and the other half is an act.

How to increase readership of my Courier Newspaper by posting FREE ad on various internet sites.?

Search Results for "I am publisher of First Bilingual International Newspaper of Worldwide Courier Industry titled ' COURIER COMMUNICATION TRANSPORT TIMES' specimen copy may be had FREE by giving full postal address and mobile number. How can I increase the readership using various net sites and posting my free ad on them."

Jarod ( of the tv show Pretender) can become anyone he wants to be!?

Policeman, fireman, lawyer, doctor even a Navy Seal Six who took out Bin Laden right? Or any other characters he can imagine!

Who should sit on the tractor?? he don't want to walk, but I don't either.?

Who should sit on the tractor?? he don't want to walk, but I don't either.? Who should sit on the tractor?? he don't want to walk, but I don't either.? may I ask your opinion on something? I am a 21 year old female picling up bales of hay on a 3 hour trail with a 16 year old boy and trying to figure who to put where, if you were working with the boy and the shoot consists of a 3 hour tractor trail ride, trails are very muddy and the tractor may spaltter mud on the person walking or run over the toes of the person walking(does often), and there is only 1 tractor and we can not switch it has to be one way or the other the whole 3 hours, and the tractor is only big enough for 1 person to sit on it. either he can sit on the tractor and I can walk and pick up the hay, or I can sit on the tractor and he can walk in the mud and dirt and pick up the hay, there is no switching, it has to be one way or the other the whole way. which one would you would recommend? both of us want to ride, but one of us will have to walk. Which of us do you think should sit on the tractor and which of us should walk? its a 16yr old boy and Im a 21 yr old girl.

NBA showdown who would win?

Jordan's team wud win. No brainer dude. Jordan, Johnson, Bird, Robinson, and Hakeem=almost unstoppable

The effects of Malcolm X's "Ballot or the Bullet" speech?

What were the impacts of this speech after Malcolm X recited it n 1964? This is not a HW ignment, just curious.

My num scolds me because I signed up John McCain's newsletter? Am I really wrong ?

No, you are not wrong at all, it is your mum who is wrong. She is acting like the Communist dictator that she is.

Presenting: The Forbidden Love Story: A secret romance?

Well, im not going to say names so im just going to say, im 13 and i have recently found myself stuck in a secret romance with my guy friend..lets call him Leo..um..slight problem..he's 11. We do cute little things, i leave him twix on his doorstep and we play football together and stuff, he recently told me he liked me and i returned the favor. I know he's in 6th and im in 8th, but he seems older than he really is, and tonight he confided in me someting he couldnt tell Nick, his best guy friend, that he doesnt want to ruin our friendship. and he likes me alot but he's afraid he might screw up and lose me. anyways..is the age gap really that much of a problem. hes gorgeous btw, and should i just wait it out. Its a forbidden romance bcuz no one can no or i'll be dead. but i like him, and i trust him. WHat should i do?

How long do I have to wait to color my hair?

I recently got my hair permed on feb 18th. I was wanting to kow how long do I have to wait to color my hair?

Is there anything GOOD about the NFL?

the nfl is awash with hypocrisy. it claims to be a physical sport, yet if you touch a punter, quarterback, or wide receiver, you get penalized. the only time a db can touch a receiver is after the receiver catches the ball-why are the quarterbacks and punters babied so much?-why are there so many commercials? -the troubles are endless...

Compare and conrast skeletal muscle contraction, smooth m.contraction and cardiac?

You have voluntary control over your skeletal muscles, they relax and contract as your somatic nervous system sends impulses. Smooth and cardiac muscle contract involuntarily. Blood vessels are lined with smooth muscle and they dilate and constrict according to physiological changes in your body. You have absolutely no control over this functionality. Hope this helps

Is this a good thesis?

good. except for the end part. i'd say instead "The Mist would not be such a chilling novel without the suspense, characters, and the setting."

Has anyone held a wedding at Rowton Hall, Chester, UK? Would you recommend it?

My friend is looking to hold her wedding recpetion at Rowton Hall, Chester, however, we have read some poor reveiws on trip advisor and would like to hear from anyone who has held or attended a wedding reception at the venue. thanks

Why is there youngsters havin kids so early in age?

Because they don't have responsibility. They are not educated about condoms, and birth control.. They don't think about the consequences of the moment. Once they have kids, their lives turn 90 degrees.. It is hard raising a child, especially in the young teens when having fun and enjoying youth should be the norm.

How would you interpret this behavior?

I have had this friend John Doe for four years. I let him know that I want more then just a friendship with him. He has said that he wants nothing more then a friendship. He has made comments in the past that insinuate that he wanted a relationship. Flash forward to now. We aren't speaking and I don't contact him. Lately he has been texting or calling me. He leaves rude messages stating that if I don't stop contacting him that he will call the police. I haven't contacted him. Once I answered the phone and let him know that he was mistaken that I hadn't contacted him. He just stated that I lied. He still does this behavior almost nightly now. I will probably change my number, but I would like to know why he does this? He does date my gender all the time so it's not a case of being afraid to date the same gender.

I just got my tooth pulled, How long doe it tak fo the stitches to come out?

Dissolving stitches dissolve at varying rates depending on the dryness of your mouth, but mine lasted for more than 4 weeks, one section in particular, so I did pull it out myself eventually since it was obviously stuck and the relief was instant.

How to fix the touchpad on my laptop?

My laptop will on and off have the touch pad not be functional--it will freeze, or be jerky, or do its own thing and have the cursor go everywhere. Is there anyway to fix this?

Realtor/Mortgage lender fraud? PLEASE HELP!!?

I had a very bad experience with the mortgage lender and realtor. I believe I got screwed on my house. I'm young, and they knew it. I want to post my story but its too long. Anyways, this has been eating me up for so long, and now i'm ready to take action. Does anybody know of any resources where I can look up illegal/legal lender/realtor practices in TEXAS. I don't need the code of ethics. I need solid law. I'm about to lose my house and this gave me enough courage to move forward. I've googled and looked at so many places and can't find anything. Please help. I have no money or time for legal consultation right now. I'm very depressed. I work 2 ft jobs, have a baby, and cant pay my bills anymore. Please help me!!! :(

Who do you think would win if Ali fought Marciano now?

Marciano retired undefeated,Ali is always known as the greatest but did lose a couple,just wanted to know peoples opinions,cheers.

Discrete Quantitative Question?

On Monday, a storeowner received a shipment of books. On Tuesday, she sold half of them. On Wednesday after two more were sold, she had exactly 2/5 of the books left. How many were in the shipment?

l lubricants can be used during pregnancy?

A water based l lubricant is safe,although I wouldn't used a flavored one unless its artificially flavored,these could promote yeast overgrowth.

WHAT DO I DO WHEN WE BOTH LIKE EACH OTHER BUT SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND?please help ladies, guys, s lol anyone?

FIrst off kudos for being so smooth with her and secondly its hard for you to do this but you kind of have to keep things as they are keep talking to her and everything but jut dont let it get too far as for the boyfriend she has... thats completely on her (unfortunatley) she has control over the entire situation and decided whether she drops her boyfriend or you (which sucks) you can only keep talking to her and hope that the relationship you have with her will lead to a better bf/gf relationship then the dysfunctional one she seems to currently have. hope this helped and good luck!

Are there any people who have been married fifteen years or more? I've been married twenty years this July.?

I was just wondering how things are going for you guys. My husband and I Bicker every day. It has become a sorta love/hate thing for me! He say's he never hates me. What about you guys. Is it common to argue so much?

I give my baby gerber foods shes 4months old.... she has little red bumps on her chin?

ok my baby has little red bumps on her chin people told me on here that it was baby acne but i was thinking do u think that its from the gerber foods or what.... cuz i kow people who gave their little ones solid foods and nuttin happend to them... u know doctors are going to say that babies are all the same and their not all... but i was wondering duz ne1 give their kids solid foods...

How's this fantasy NFL team?

dont listen to those guys, T Holt is a top five fantasy WR, he is the deffinition of a top tier fantasy WR. Plus driver was a top ten guy last year and williams was a top 15? How are those recievers bad? jackson and drew are both really good and will score often, while jones is an excellent guy to have on the bench just in case. if you can trade taylor for westbrook (that guy would have to be a very big idiot to do that by the way) do it fast. Bulger is also a top qb. i would give this team an 87, just becuase the bench is suspect a little. Get rid of furry and bell (they are being replaced by Henry and cal. johnson), they are just a waste of roster space, i would be willing to bet there are better guys still available in FA.

Do you consider yourself to be a shallow person, or deep?

In an emotional standpoint of your life, how would you rate yourself? How about physically, or romantically? Is your outlook on life negative, or positive? Do you find happiness in small things, or are you judgemental?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Would you accept it ?

if you were in the Jews court where Jesus was questioned by high priests , and priests had told you , you can take the Christ persecutions on your self instead of him....and Jesus could be free because of it ....... would you accept it ?

Conservatives/Republicans - Do you agree with anything that Obama has done?

I am an Independent but I am completely disappointed with the GOP as of late. It seems like they just want to find ANY reason to oppose EVERYTHING that Obama does in the name of politics to get their power back that they lost in the last election cycle. If Obama says left, they argue that he should have said right. I believe this petty bickering of every LITTLE thing really weakens their argument altogether and makes them look ridiculous. Why can't we work together on some things to make this country better instead of trying to criticize every little unimportant thing in the name of politics?

What's the best way to fix a cracked front bumper on a Sebring Chrysler?

I heard it was possible to fix a plastic front bumper without buying a whole new bumper? Because buying a new bumper is ridiculously overpriced, but any ideas are appreciated, thanks

My grades r slipping... what to do?

Try taking notes in maths I'm like you I'm good at languages and music but I can't do maths or phyisics it just doesn't stay in my brian. When you get home from school go over what you did in your maths cl that day that way you will be doing it twice and hopefully remember it better

What are your Thanksgiving plans??? Anything good???

mine r to got to my grandma's wednesday and help her cook all day and then spend the nite at her house and then we r gonna have a Thanksgiving lunch and dinner at her house, with like my cousins and aunts and uncles and other long lost relatives who i dont really keep in touch with. not very exciting but better then sittin at home doin nothin. also do u no what nfl fball teams r playin on Thanksgiving???

Lo Bosworth from Laguna Baech/The Hills was engaged, what happened? They never talked about it?

On one of the last Lugana Beach episode that Lauren, Kristin, Stephen, etc... where in Lo came back from college and announced that she was engaged. They even showed the guy. What happened with that? They never mentioned it on The Hills?

Separation and children's rights and how to deal with emotional abuse by biological fathers?

If a biological father signs away contact at court, with his 2 year old child. With whom he had no bond and who he did not play with, and had no interest in. He emotionally abused the child so badly it has taken nearly 3 years for her to gain confidence again. The child has bonded with the stepfather, who the child looks upon as Daddy and he regards the child as his own, and a close bond has developed between the two. Should the biological father be allowed by the courts to walk back into the childs life life, when the child is settled and happy and has had their faith in men re established? The boiological father is unpredictable, has previously wanted contact one day and not the next. The child has been on the doorstep waiting for contact, but he has shouted and turned the child away.

How do I save my parents' marriage?

My parents have been together for twenty something years, and as far as I know they always loved each other. They have had their differences but in the long run they have always worked them out,and moved ahead. They have gone through so much together both good and bad, they started a new life in another country helping each other and its through the efforts of them both that we all are where we are today. Lately my parents have been fighting a lot. Financial troubles have taken its toll on them and their relationship, but the things they fight about are the most ridiculous things its actually quite pathetic. My parents are two very different people, they are both hard working people tho. My mother feels like shes the Queen of England, when shes angry no one can talk to her, when shes depressed or sad everyone has to cater to her and make her feel better, when shes happy we all have to smile because God forbid were not in the same good mood she is in. She controls my father a lot, he actually has to ask for permission to watch a game of soccer on the T.V.!!! Why? Because she does not like watching or hearing that, when she herself rarely watches T.V. My mother is very impatient and fights for what she wants and she has a very special skill of being able to hurt other people with two words. My father on the other hand is easy-going, and patient. He likes to do things at their pace. He sits in front of the T.V. everyday when he comes home, or in front of his computer. We live in a place where the idea of social outings is going to the bar and getting drunk. We moved here from NY and my parents used to go out like every other weekend, and here they are just concentrated on working, and school and that's pretty much it. My parents have recently had a " disagreement" because my mom lost her work on the computer and she couldn't find it and my dad tried helping her and he apparently gave her attitude and yadda yadda. Now my mom isn't talking to him, he's sleeping out on the couch. My mom actually LOCKS the door to her room, and me and my sister have to knock to go talk to her, and she barely looks at my dad. She has actually has stated that she wants to leave and all that stuff. Now me and my sister are old enough to take care of ourselves so that's not a problem. My dad is sick of my mom's "prima-donna" actions saying that he loves her a lot but if he has to leave her to live in peace he will do so, and my mom has no problem leaving too. I have decided that if they do separate that I will live with neither one of them, and figure something out for me and my sister. But until then it would really be a ***** move if they did separate. I think its ridiculous how all the preaching that they did about families sticking together and being the basis of whatever crap is now put in the back seat! I don' t want them to separate, I know I'm old enough to handle it but at the same time I'm wondering if I can actually handle it. There has to be someway to prevent this from happening!

Virtual Villagers: Lost Children, Herbs???

Okay so I have the flower by the coconut trees, I have the lavender flower, i found that weird flower by the waterfall, i found the redish orangish flower on the bottom.... I have no idea where this dead place is and I dont know where to find that other flower thats in the dead place ;s I also dont know where that other one is ;s helps please

Crowdedness of Orlando, FL parks.?

My friend told me a couple years ago about a book...or maybe a pamphlet or brochure that told you which parks in Orlando (from Disney World, Universal, Sea World and Busch Garden) have the most people on certain days. Any idea where I could find it?

Do you think google has immunity from the market?

I'm not a hater or apple fan boy or anything like that, I just want to know if anybody thinks that google has a little bit of immunity from the market, Android def has its fair share of bugs and glitches, but it doesn't seem to hurt them in their quest to beat apple, but whenever MS tries to come out with something, any issue they have ppl jump on them so fast

How do I change oil in my 1992 Toyota 4runner?

Im a 16 year old girl whos dad is out of town and my boyfriend wants me to learn how to. My dad taught me once but I have forgotten. I need to know what oil it takes and how to change it. I know I have to have it drain into something but wheres the spout that it drains out of?

Is there a type of phobia that involves censorship?

I know there is a phobia that involves the fear of nudity but is there a phobia where one has a fear of all sorts of obscenities?

Someone sane, with a College Degree, and Catholic please answer about L Ron Hubbard...?

I am Catholic, done plenty of research on my own, and fell in and out of faith. My question is I got this booklet written by L Ron Hubbard on the Beach yesterday from a gentleman who seemed articulate and and kind. My question is before I open this book and open my mind to it, what should I know about this author. Is it worth it to read or should I just fold my laundry...

Who is the better bowler? Murali or warne?

I think murali is a better bowler on the record. considring da no of wickets he has taken in a fewer no of matches than warnie.what is ur view?

Why is USA supporting al-Qaida?

There was more than a flicker in Afghanistan of terrorist during operation cyclone it did not stop them then and it certainly wont stop them now.

What is your favorite movie to watch while..?

smokin' a fatty. It doesn't have to be a stoner movie, but if that's what you like, then by all means. Thanx!

I need world history help?

Since the questions actually give you the page numbers where the answers can be found, how can you say you've been "searching for a while?" Can you read?

How can I use comprised in a sentence?

It's just a slightly prissy way of saying "made up of". So.."Irish stew is comprised of mutton, carrots, onion and potatoes moistened with a little stock or water and slowly cooked on top of the stove."


So i asked this chick to prom. Before this we were really coola nd everything, flirting, talking, smiling, etc. At promit completely changed. She bored the living hell out of me. We just talked the whole nite and didnt do anything. I was really bummed because this was not the girl i expected. Everyone told me she was a dancer and that she's loud and stuff and with me she;s cool, but didnt wanna dance and killed the whole mood. So i was super bummed. She's super indecisive so its hard to read her. She does have a history of leading on guys though. So after i dropped her off, she noticed i was bummend and o her myspace her mood was bummed just like mine, and she called me the next day but i didnt bother to call her back cuz i was pissed of how she like ruined my nite. I see her at school and she looked like she was ready to cry or something. Like she looked really sad. So then she had one of my songs on myspace and i commented her on it. She left like 6 comments on my page. So i called her back and we talked on the phone for 3 in a ahlf hours. She texted me good morning =). And as soon i was commenting her, her mood on her myspace changed from bummed to Alright =)???? Prior to prom everytime we talk we talk for hours. At prom she was very touchy with me. But i just dont know if shes playing with me or if she really does care about me????? What do you guys think?

Can someone think of a good use for gold?

There are tons of gold just sitting in bricks at fort knox. Couldn't that be put to some constructive use say plating the statue of liberty or building something beautiful at ground zero? Any other ideas?

How do I tactfully decline food that people buy for me?

I'm on a diet, but I don't really want anyone to know. Well, I guess it's not a diet. More like, I'm trying to eat as healthy as possible. I've started an exercise regimen and I stay away from junk food. Now, my boss and his wife have a habit of surprising me with fast food. Just today, my boss bought pizza for everyone. There were four slices left when I came in and they told me to eat it. I declined, but they kept insisting. I told them I ate before I came in, so they told me to eat the pizza later. This happens all the time. The other day, my bosses wife bought me french fries and a soda. I'm afraid I am offending them by not eating what they buy for me, but I'm doing so well with my diet! I don't want to tell them I'm on a diet because every time I tell people, they tell me I don't need to be on a diet and it just gets uncomfortable. Anyway, how can I politely decline the food they buy for me? The pizza is still sitting in the back room...

Who do you think are the top four guys who have the best shot at coming to or coming back to the UFC?

renato sobral lets face it coleman and shamrock are done and didnt dana say paul daley would never come back?

Is dark skin exotic?

I was in Greece about 2 weeks ago & people were staring at me like I was crazy/different/etc, I know I'm not ugly but at the same time, they could not look away. I am a milk chocolate complexioned girl so I wonder if it was my skin? Do some people consider dark skin to be exotic or sensual? Thanks for the replies.

Who is John McCain Kidding?

I understand your comment about McCain, war is hard on civilans and they often do not know what to think or what is really going on abroad. I do not want McCain as our president, the reason i do not is because I fear the only reason people will vote for him is because he is a seasoned senator, a war vet, and looked on as a hero who people think would be a better leader. Obama is a very smart man, new still to politics but a better fit for what the nation needs right now. People are not looking deep into McCain's beliefs because honestly everytime I see McCain on the television all he ever has to say is something about the war or going on the offensive about Obama not knowing anything about the military. It is going to take more than that for me to vote for someone.

What does this sentence in Frankenstein mean?

…however impossible as a physical fact affords a point of view to the imagination for the delineating of human pions more comprehensive and commanding than any which the ordinary relations of existing events can yield.

I have a tray of 4 AMD Opteron 852's 2.6 GHZ, 1000FSB all matching serials to run on dual or quad. Who buys???

I got these as a new system pull, all working, still in tray, but I don't know what to do with them. I see they are very expensive from my standpoint, and I can't use them without buying a 940 socket mainboard, and they don't usually support pci-express, and I just want to use for a desktop. Is there anyone that buys these cpu's for server use? I get my sun servers with these cpu's already on them so there is no need, the only reason I got them is because it was a mistake and they wanted the 2.8ghz cpu's and not the 2.6's. I have to unload these things, they are just taking up space. I will sell cheap, if anyone has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated. I have a reputable business, and I will take paypal or credit card if I reach someone that wants to give me 175 a piece/obo, rather than paying 900 for the boxed version :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

How do you feel about Slyvia Brown the so called psychic?

I absolutley detest her. I find her money grubbing, lieing ways disgusting. She plays on peoples emotions and hearts for their money. She is the biggest con I have ever heard of. The sad gullible people she plays with need to wake up and see her for the absolute fake she is. If you disagree with me than you are wrong and blind.

How can I help my new iguana warm up to me?

I just got an iguana a few days ago and it really upsets me that he doesn't seem to care for me at all. It doesn't try to bite me or anything like that, it doesn't seem aggressive but.. it just doesn't seem to care for me. When I hold it it tries it's best to escape from me most of time. For brief periods of time it will allow me to pet it's head and it'll just close its little eyes but then it tries to run away again. I want to let it explore a little but i don't think i'd be able to catch it if i did :/ Also it won't eat out of my hand. What do I do to get it to like me?

Name for a boy or girl?

i like the name holden carson for a boy i need opinions on if holden could work for a girl i was thinking holden emily or holden grace

Suggestion for Peace in Gaza.?

When we take responsibility and take action, and not wait for the UN, the United States or anyone else to come solve our problems. Whether we like it or not the Pals are a problem for us, and we have to solve the issues between us. I believe it is absolutely possible for Pals and Jews to live in harmony, it will require a lowering of the levels of stubbornness on all of us to accomplish that. And never stop asking G-d to end the violence and bring peace. For thousands of years this is all we have been praying for. We can make it happen, we have the power. Negative remakes, and facetious behavior is only a reinforcement of the stubbornness that keeps us from loving our neighbor (figuratively speaking).

Swollen eyes, and swollen throat? Green Iguana?

I would like to know why my iguana has puffy, or puffed out eyes, and swollen up throat? Hardly eating, i have to force feed him. Balance is off. White under his belly instead of green.

Whats The Name Of This Movie?!...?

It's something about a little girl who lives in a town full of devil worshipers & they always kill the 3rd child from some reason. So they try to kill the little girl, but they can't cause shes like an angel. Then everything gets really heated & she unleases the plagues unto the town. They try to kill here, because shes an angel who follows in the likes of GOD so they try to kill her, because it's a town of devil worshipers.

Is there a Lunar Eclipse tonight in Minneapolis?

We're having thanksgiving and are interested in star gazing. Does anybody know if there is going to be a Lunar Eclipse tonight viewable from Minneapolis? Thanks in advance

How can I cheer my dad up?

My dad was dating this girl for about 4 years and today my brother told me they got in a fight and broke up last weekend. She was a nice lady, but I could see myself getting annoyed with her a lot as well she was a bit loud and sometimes acted like such a teenager and she;s like 45. I didn't see much of her only like 3 times a year. Well anywho my brother said my dad was pretty upset when he talked to him. I am going to visit him at the station (he's a fireman) on fathers day since he has to work then I will stay at his house for a week this summer, how can I help to cheer him up, I will probably be seeing a lot more of him since he won't be with her as much now.

What do you think of my Harry Potter Horcrux theory??

You think that Voldemort would put his precious soul into a piece of vermon such as Pettigrew? I don't think so. But I agree that Pettigrew will die in 7. It's time for him to pay for what he did to Harry...

Do u think its right to hit a girl?

okk,so this guy on my bus (freshman, 16 years old, 300 pounds) was making fun of this chick for being ! then off the 1st bus stop, the girl's gf (16, around 170 pounds, junior) pushed him because he called them *******, then he punched that girl and knocked her out for 2 minutes! i saw the whole thing! then three cops and an ambulance came, the cops asked us and we had to tell the truth, the SAD part is he has lots of ** friends on the bus that was defending him! and after i reported him, he was arrested, then his friends say they will beat me up! D; im scared wat do i do??

I have an Argos RS036 stopwatch. I have lost the instructions. How can I set the time of day please?

If you go back to Argos and ask if you can see the instruction of one in stock they should oblige or tell them that the instructions were not in the packaging or buy another one look at the instructions and return it for a refund

Are the risks of legalizing marijuana far greater than any potential benefit?

I hardly see there being any risks at all. A new study found that alcohol is THE most dangerous drug and it is perfectly legal for anyone over 21. It should be the same for marijuana, which was number 8. Tobacco was 6.

Physics problem, a ladder leaning against a frictionless wall?

A 2.94 m long ladder leans against a frictionless wall. The coefficient of static frictin between the ladder and the floor is 0.398. What is the minimum angle, in radians, that the ladder can make with the floor without slipping?

Within minutes after showering, the back of my head, ears, and neck get very dry and icthy. What is going on?

After applying baby oil or vaseline, within a minute or so, a rough dry feeling occurs also on my arms, legs, and ocks.Marblelike nodules have come on the back of my head which sometimes bleed when I comb my hair. Nightly I tend toscratch the dry parts of my body. Vaseline and baby oil only help briefly. What possibly could be going onwith me? Even my eyebrows and eyelashes have become dry irritated. Sometimes I think gnats are flying in my eyes. I also have lesions around my lips and sideburns. Sometimes it feels as though something is flying in my nostrils. Often the soles of my feet get darker.

I would like to find a peaceful spot in the UK, in the country and leave USA, got any tips?

I lost most everything in US meltdown and must live very frugally on fixed income. Is it even possible. Furthermore are rolling fields like on "Last of the Summer Wine" pure fantasy? I love that little village in this mild Britcom. Perfect for the likes of me. I expect it is impossible but I am checking it out. Any feedback will be appreciated. Retired newsman, trained for accounting with an MBA and could do part time work. Possible or not? In early sixties and single, a lot like the character Clegger.

Problems with neighbors & excessive water!?

I would talk to your neighbor and voice any concerns you may have with the current situation, he might surprise you and do everything he can to work it out with you. If not you should start doenting the water problem by taking photos of your property and his for a lawyer to look at. This is a civil matter that involves civil law so you will need a lawyer if things go bad. Good luck

What should I bring to a concert (Rascal FLatts) when sitting in the gr seats. ex..blanket, pillow, etc..?

blanket; chairs; if its gunna be hot like it was when i went to an anniversary country conccert bring sunblock nd hats also..

Have you ever been told you have a big...?

watch? I have a Casio G-Shock and the security man at the airport said it was mightly big when i went through the screener!

What should I buy a 3 to 4 month old? As in Bouncers or Jumpers? Or activity Centers?

All four of my children LOVED exersaucers. They have tons of activities to keep them busy. They also liked bouncy seats as well.

Was my friend honestly d by a broomstick?

ok so me and a friend got in an argument...over the phone..and he claims to have been man-handled by a woman to the point where he was taken by a broom handle. At first he didnt tell me...he just said he got laid, but like several months later he said it was something this girl required in order to grant access to other stuff. He said this occurred in a broom closet when her and him snuck out of wedding. I swear I thought he was joking, but his voice sounds ******* serious when we talk about it, and i think its been a couple years since then. Please tell me he was joking...or if there are any tell-tale signs he's being legit. please..I just want to know, cause I dont want to joke if its a serious matter...cause it does happen

Disabling G.M. door chime and automatic door locks.?

Have a new 07 G.M. 3500 truck, and would like to get rid of annoying door chime and auto door locks. Is there a way to do this thru the vehicles computer?

PLEASE HELP ME, Can I get steps on putting a new engine on my Baja Blitz Mini Bike? THANKS A BUNCH!!!!!?

take off all the nuts and bolts, unhook the hoses, take engine out put new engine in, hook up all hoses bolts and nuts

Should i get a sugar glider or ferret?

Ive done extensive research( like a year) on both of them and have come to the conclusion that i have time and patience and for both. But i want to know which is more lovable and overall be a more loyal pet to you. since i would be able to take care of both so they are very happy i simply don't have the money for both so idk which one would overall be the better pet.

2001 Toyota corolla s. does it have a cd changer in it if not why does the cete player say cd beside it?

Usually at the bottom close to the gear shifter is where a factory cd player would be. If there's no cd player, the on is useless.

Constitution help please? *10 points + best answer!!*?

So getting your homework done by other people is as easy as this nowadays eh? Sad. You'd be able to answers these questions if you tried actually learning about it.


You best telling him in person. More likely to get a response that you know if he's interested in you or not. He might even ignore you if you send him a text saying you like him.

Egg-drop!!!!!! Need help!?

Tape of a bunch of straws together like a raft and wrap it around the egg. Tie it off and fill in either side with newspaper so the egg doesn't fall out. Then stick it in a cup and fill the rest of the empty space with more newspaper. I think I did something similar for my egg drop and it worked.

Cigarette smoke? Help?

My mother and sister smoke and it makes me feel nauseous, they do smoke by the fire place and it helps but it still stinks. Is there a small fan or something that they could use by the chimney to help diminish the smell, or smoke? Any suggestions would be great help! thanks

Where can find articles on fathers having no time to rear children.?

Hello, where can I find some articles on fathers having not time to rear their children. this article is better to be editorials, political blogs, reviews or other formal writings which are similar to articles from TIME magazine. the text type should be argumentative which is clear in points and supporting details. the article better focuses on singapore issue. just give me the link can alr. thx

How big of a mistake will it be for Obama to NOW initiate a no fly zone in the wastland of LIBYA?

A no fly zone would require declaring war. It would be a big mistake at this point. There is no clear and present danger in Libya to the US.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Anyone having a LOT of car engine problems? / Gas Quality?

Yes, a lot of problems are being caused by the additives in the gasoline nowadays. The ethanol they put in the gas is making the cars run hotter, therefore creating problems internally with carbon build-up. Like the guy above me advised, get a bottle of Seafoam, (you can get it at your local auto parts store), and read the back of the can to follow directions. This should help a little.

Need help on back tuck?

I have a pretty good one on the trampoline and I have it into the resi pit (squishy pit) how do I tuck faster is the question? I was working them on the floor with a spot and she said I have a very nice set I just need go tuck faster and I would have it. She I just try and pull my knees harder? Thanks!!

Bala shark in with other sharks?

i want to buy 1 bala shark but i already have a red tip shark in the tank will they get along i also have two pictus catfish and a betta in the same tank (15 gall)

Where can I buy a good tres leches cake in Montreal?

A Tres leches cake, or Pastel de Tres leches (literally: "cake of three milks"), is a cake soaked in three kinds of milk: evaporated milk, condensed milk, and whole milk. It is popular in Latin America.

What is SEO and SEM? Why SEO is Important?

I already have a website but am finding hard to get business from internet users. One of my friend suggested get SEO done for your website and want to know more on what is SEO and why is it important?

Will this country ever experience what it's like to have a female commander-in-chief (president)?

With the presidential elections coming up, do you think Hilary has a chance @ becoming the FIRST female president? Do you think more women will be empowered to run for president and other male dominated positions? Do you believe this country is still predominantly male dominant (although there are "equal" rights)?

Disney world in 2 days ?

Me and my family(2 adults, a 7 and 16 yrs old girls) are going to visit Disney World for the first time. We know that we def. will go to magic kingdom on the first day, and Island of adventure on the last day. On the second day we're not sure which one to choose between Animal Kingdom, EPCOT or hollywood. Which one do you think is better for us ? We also planned to visit downtown disney after visiting one of this park on the second day. FYI, we're not getting park hopper and we're not staying at a disney hotels. Oh and which one is better, Planet Hollywood or Rainforest restaurant at downtown disney ? thanks.

I read that a crab can die early if they do not have another crab to live with/socialize with?

hermit in captivity live 6 months. ones in the wild lve 30 yrs. what does that tell you? yes its true they need another crab for socialization or it'll die. just let it loose. it'll live longer

How do I stop my Panasonic plasma TV from interfering with the tv set top box remote signal?

there is a chance that panasonic has a fix for that problem, one of the buffer boards or power supply could have a frequency that kills the remote signal. I have read a service flash on that problem with lcd's. I came across that problem once and the client turns the box 90 degrees and then it will work.

What is the name of the Ear Pieces that Singers and Musicans have in their Ears when they are on stage?

Those are "in-ear" monitors. you cannot use them for a mobile, only wireless headsets aka bluetooths are used for a mobile when you want to use it hands-free. and also you cannot use in-ear monitors with an ipod.

Isn't it time the Labour government made it compulsory for Mosques to open their doors to women as well? In

I think it is time the government made it compulsory for all Mosques to be demolished and outlaw islam in this country.

Can Andy Phillips (on Yankees) . . .?

Only men on the active roster are allowed on the bench. So i'm guessing Phillips will be buying some postseason tickets and hop in the dugout hoping no one will notice.

Muslims and Christians ;Did Jesus claimed divinity in John 10;23?

Being thou perfect? You are not! Knowledge you have! Love of God you lack! Finding fault looking for a good fight? You have the knowledge! This is true! But do you know that it is more important for all to understand the Word of God? You are defaulting knowledge as your God and tha tis very dangerous! I shall keep you in my prayers.

Who's the 'accountant' at your house?

Growing up my mom was a S.A.H.M. My dad brought home a paycheck and my mom looked after paying the bills. My husbands family did the same thing. Naturally (or maybe not so naturally?) we have the same arrangement. Hubby brings home a paycheck (and I also work from home) and all of our money goes into a join chequing account from which I pay all the bills (which are also in both our names). I have talked to a few other couples (who vary in ages/working arrangements) and have come to realise that this isn't nessisarily 'the norm'. I know MANY couples who have 'his' money and 'her' money and each have respetive bills to pay. I was wondering (without details such as $$$ amounts and personal info etc.) what the arrangement in your home is? Who pays what bills? If you pay 'your bills' and run short in a month do you have to 'borrow' money from your spouse? Which 'way' do you think works the best and what are some 'drawbacks' to either 'way'? Thanks everyone : ) Hope everyone has a good day!

Has preseed helped you get pregnant?

I used preseed one time with my cycle in April and on May 9, I got a positive test. I am supposed to ovulate today, and I used preseed last night. Do you think it really helps to get pregnant? Since I have had two miscarriages, I am not sure whether it will actually help or not. What are your success stories using preseed? Also I am using the clearblue fertility monitor and keeping bbt...not using anything else to help pinpoint ovulation.

Trade advice needed bad?

i say yes because those guys you would get are all legitimate scorers and can all put up 15-25 a night i thinnk you do this. your already strong at the F spot and you alson need help at the guards so do this.

Is this discharge my mucus plug?

I am almost 41 weeks pregnant. I had my membrane sweep 2 days ago. Later that night after going to the toliet I got a green snot like discharge with a little blood in it. Again today more blood more snot like discharge. Is this my mucus plug or what? If so when am i likely to go into labour. I have no contraction pain or twinges.

How do I repair finish on coffee table?

My boyfriend, against my better judgement, foolishly used a scouring pad to remove an adhesive patch on my coffee table. His technique worked, but in the process, he damaged the faux mahogany finish, leaving an unsightly faded grey patch in the same area. Is there an easy way to fix this without stripping, restaining and resealing the entire table?

Should I write a letter?

I am currently looking for a job. I really need the money because my mom is divorced and my dad has stopped sending us money, and my mom is not going to be able to support me and my brothers. I have started filling out applications at mcdonald's, burger king, etc... I was just wondering if it was prudent to write a letter to the manager of the site I am applying to, just explaining my situation and reinstating that I really need the job. What do you think?

Whey protein which makes are best?

I decided to buy some sort of whey protein drink to help build musle and help recovery from when ive been to the gym. There seem to be loads of different types and makes though. You can get whey protein drinks from places like Holland and Barrett for just 10 quid but ive noticed that some of the morewell known makes like Maximusle/ Prolab etc sell for up to four times this price. Are the well known brands really worth the extra money or would i do just as well with a cheaper less well known brand?. Also which brands would you percifically recomend?

Unknown Chinese soup dish. I've been looking for what it is?

is it shark fins soup or imitation sharks fin soup? there shouldnt be white but your grandma probably just added it in herself.

Water on my knee!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Hi im 13 years old and I feel on the cement the other day and Ive got water on it (in it) the doc. said it would go away without drainage but didnt say when it would go away. does anyone know how long it takes because so far its been a week.

Special lighting effects?

Hi, Hope you can help me. I am looking for a spotlight type light to place in the balcony of a church to shine down on a object on the altar in the front of the church. This is for a Christmas Nativity (statues) scene where the light would shine just on the baby Jesus, something that pinpoint...thanks.

Should company penalize you for mistakes over 10 years ago?

I wrote some hot checks about 8 years ago, paid them back and I havent even gotten a speeding ticket in my life, but this is on my background and its hard for me to get a job that pays good, I feel that a persons background shouldnt matter unless they killed someone, hurt a child or anyone for that matter, or robbed a bank, or something felony wise, but shouldnt someone be able to be given a second chance if they have proven themselves and havent done anything else in their life and has lived a law abiding life?

I got a question about Border Collies, can you answer?

Hey, I see that you need some sort of guide that will give you tips and tricks to help your dog become fully trained and more healthy. Recently one of my friends really needed some advise on how to train his dog, he followed the dog training academy course to successfully have a full trained dog in a few weeks.

Problems with PS3 Black Ops split screen?

I bought COD Black Ops and I only have dial up. To get the patch so I could add bots to split screen I had taken my system to my buddy (who has wireless) and downloaded the update. Now back at home whenever I try to go to split screen by using local (not LAN) and tells you to hit "x" with the other controller it go to black screen and tells you something like "cannot find LAN or internet". I want to play spitscreen at home with my daughter and it will not allow me to. Thanks for any help>

If Michael Jackson was a woman, would he have been treated differently about the child abuse accusations?

In his case, maybe not. He acted pretty weird about it all. A woman would probably be suspected if she acted like that too, especially over the whole baby dangling incident.

Translate English to Finnish: Do not bend?

I am sending a package to Finland. Three translator programs say three different things... ajaa ei alistua, alkaa taipuko, and ala taivuta.


I love the name Rosalie and maybe nell or Eve as a middle name. And personally I think Weston Knox sounds better to me.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Full Sails University. Good School?

A lady by the name of Debi came to my school and promoted Full Sails. She had me hooked, i loved every thing about the school, except how large it was, but i can look over that. I was ready to apply, but i wanted more information. I looked a a myspace page of an alumni who completely bashed the school. He said it was overpriced, not really hands on, and you wont have any job offers. He didn't seem bitter, he simply seemed to want to help. Needless to say i am now skeptic. Any one go there who can inform me about the pros and cons of the school?

Landlord Michigan Laws.?

my son was in the bathtub and everything was fine, except the water went over the overflow thing? and its suppose to go through the pipes if it does go over the overflow...but our landlord informed us today that we are responsible for the charges in the downstairs bathroom, because it messed her drywall up. don't think its my fault at all to be responsible for that...at all. can they charge us for that?

What is a good way not to "wobble" on a motorcycle as you bring it to a stop?

My problem right now is stopping the motorcycle. Sometimes its no problem. Other times I "wobble" and have to get my balance back....

Are honorariums given for the conduct of review sessions to nursing students subject to tax in the Philippines?

I conducted a series of review sessions with our nursing students in our school here in the Philippines. When I received my compensation I was surprised that the honorarium I received for being a reviewer was included in my monthly taxable income, making my tax for the month bigger than normal. Are honorariums really part of the taxable income?

My almost 4 yr old quit eating after choking on ice cube?

he used to eat everything! now will only drink milk, juice,popsicles and broth from soups.i have tried every tactic, its going on 2 months. have been to doc.thought acid reflux. well i dont think so.v8 mixes are the healthiest he will go. everyone says will eat when ready. how long?? still energetic, bowels are regular as ever. help!!

Can anybody rate fix my zombie deck?

I'm sorry but this deck doesn't seem very good. try focusing on Vampire genesis and lose the red eyes. Also, have 3 copies of vampire lord and pyramid turtle. 2 epic cards that would work in this deck are Kash and ever living underworld cannon. Zombies focus on sending them to the grave so try foolish burial and card destruction. Right now you might want to only focus on zombie supporters instead of cold wave and pot of averice. It would reallly help this deck if you replace nightmare weel with something more on the terms of revival like call of the haunted or graceful revival. Monster reborn would work along with poison mummy and skull cunducter. Over all with a little elbow grease and some time this will be a truly Epic zombie deck. For some wanted help try a href="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Zombie." rel="nofollow"http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Zombie./a Have a truly Epic day!

London Marie Sherwood "What Hurts the Most" song on myspace?

Help me find who is singing this! One of my friends on myspace posted the story about London Marie Sherwood again today but this time it's got the song "What Hurts The Most" by Rascal Flatts, except it's a girl who is singing it! It's BEAUTIFUL! Does anyone know what I'm talking about?? I'm dying to find out who this is singing!!!

What are good movies/tv shows to find monologues and scenes for kids and preteens?

I'm looking for monologues and scenes from movies and tv shows but I'm having problems finding them. Can anyone think of good things I could use? I've already looked at Malcolm in the Middle but besides that, I'm kinda stuck. Ideas? Thanks!

Why isnt he calling back?

I was with my man for 3 years. I broke up with him 12 days ago on hois voice mail because he would not reyurn my calls from a arugument we had. he has been non attentive and selfish. ( mind you he lost his job he has been in & out odf depression) he never returned my call even when I left a message saying it was over. Why has he not called me back I miss him but not the bs. I'm so worried...

How many legislators will actually read the bailout details before voting yes on monday?

a href="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080928/ap_on_bi_ge/financial_meltdown;_ylt=AmF8LA7Kkm0l2i_olNRKhBmoOrgF"http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080928/ap_o…/a

Knowing that his time as President is coming to an end, what do you think GW Bush is thinkin/up to right now?

Damn mind your own business. Seriously, you spend the better part of six years bashing the man and you wonder why he's avoiding you? You're like a borderline sociopath.

Why girls can not run away from house easily?

Seems like you have partially answered your own question . But be it a boy or a girl ; running away from Home is never an easy option .

Workouts for y legs?

Squats are really good for that kind of thing. Also pilates and yoga. I also recomend doing exercises in a pool. The water is really useful (the weight of it) for toning your legs. In addition, I'd try some low resistance weight lifting like with machines where you push with your legs, or curls or something. I think an all around program would get it done. Or you could just go walking or jogging.

What should i change my name to?

how old are you? im guessing like 15...? anyway, my name is roberta and im named after my grandma. i hated it growing up, i really did.. i got a lot of crap for it, and was even called "ro-ber-duh!" once. but, when i grew up and realized that i was different, i chilled out and i love my name now. think about it, i cam the Only roberta i have ever met who was in my generation, so that makes me unique, unlike ashley, stephanie, madison, and jessica. i love the fact that very few people have my name! and besides, im being fully Honest with you right now, i love the name ruby/rubi. i've Never met a ruby in my life and i think it's awesome that you are unique, too. why be a lindsey? there are millions of them out there (in fact my friend is due next month and is naming her baby Boy lindsey). and, you name has meaning behind it! stick with rubi... it's beautiful, inside and out! good luck! :)

Would you choose to fly on an airline who, as an airline, required all Muslims to be searched before flying?

I bet an airline that individually chose to throw politically correctness out the door and started searching all the Muslims would have sold out flights.

How do I cook frozen sausages?

What's the best way to cook them, directly from the freezer? They are sweet Italian sausage links. Defrost them in the microwave first? Cook on stove?? I want to eat these by themselves...not in sauce.

Please please help me with my homework!!! Why isn't there a holiday in Malcolm X's honor?

Please answer the question. I will appreciate any help. Please don't give me any links. Just tell me why you think there isn't a holiday for Malcolm X. Thanks a lot. I love you guys!!! jk

How would I get a custom hoodie like this?

Look in the area where you live and see if there is a sewing and alterations shop. That would probably be your best bet.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Wheres a good place too have a wild teenage party..?

I'd have to be honest , i'm 15 & i need to go to a wild party before the school year ends. & i know you probably feel the same way. So like , you should have a party at the beach. imagine it? A party wih guys , in your bikinis & crazy , and having the time of your life? The beach is the perfect party place. Just one tip , watch out for the cops [; But anyways , your a teen , and this is life! Have fun , & good luck. [;

Are the t-mac 5 bball shoes any good?also does spotsauthority or bobs have them?

i have been lokking from u guys jusy said and i came across the t-mac5. they look nice and they are on sale for $70.i want to if they are good and if they have them at sports authority or bobs.if u can only answer one thats fine but i need help.

I can't get my music to play on my sony psp help?

i have music on my psp and i tried to play it then it told me that i need to enabel the WMA playback and i went there an i need an SSID i have no idea what im doing please help

Best Bachelorette Party?

Honestly that doesn't sound very bachelorette party-ish to me. It sounds uppity, not fun/silly/crazy. Call me unsophisticated, but for my b-party we went to an amusement park and played laser tag, bumper cars, that type of thing. It was so fun, which I think is what you need right in the middle of executing a stressful wedding--to laugh and be silly. Maybe you guys aren't like that, but if you are, I say go for it--you won't regret it!

What is the best cruise for two 18 year olds?

My friend and I are 18 and looking into cruises for the summer before college. We are looking for both fun and relaxation. We are looking more for the Caribbean cruise and whatnot, and would like more nightlife than some cruise lines seem to offer. I've been on Royal Caribbean once before and it was relaxing but definitely meant more for little kids or older adults. Can anyone help?

Answer this riddle ..............please?

how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could abduct children from third world countries and force them to work in underground workshops

Miscarriage i tink so???

ok i am 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant. had 6 postive test since last week. last night when i wiped i had a very light pink smear of blood on loo roll then nothing all night, phoned gp he said its to early for scan so bed rest. then this morning when i wiped it was very brown blood (it looks old) and its been like that all day. nothing on pad just when i wipe. I had a slight pain by my belly on yesterday and have minor back ache today but only on right hand side, has anyone had anything like this before?? i had a early miscarriage 4 monhs ago but that was full on bright red bleeding straight away. i personally think i have lost it as i never have any luck

I have an older computer that runs XP when i watch dvds its a bit jerky. If i go to milenium will this help?

I have purchased a new graphics card and i have 386 mbs of ram. The jerking used to be really bad as in it would take 10 mins to play half a minute of video. Now it up to speed but has a slight jerkyness to it. As in the sound kind of jumps and video. Please help.... or any other suggestions. Also the processor is 700 mhz or something like that. However i really don't want to upgrade the motherboard etc. Thanks

According to today's standard where you abused as a kid?

I know when I was growing up I got my fair share of a** whoopings and locked in rooms,but back then you didn't have the child abuse hotlines. I grew up fine and learned that wasn't the way I was going to discipline my children.

How do I get the sound working on windows media player?

My sound is working on the pc and WMP used to work but now when I open an attachment there is no sound.The volume is turned up and still nothing.I am still only running Windows 98 - Im behind the times I know.Could this have anything to do with it?Any suggestions?

Clickstart or Leapfrog handheld - Which is better for 3 yr old?

The Leapfrog Leapster is wonderful!!! My 5 yr old has had his for about a year and a half and his 3 yr old brother is getting his own for Christmas this year. He can do the prek - k games on his big brother's. Favorites are the Dora Adventure Game and the Cars one. Without any games in it he can do a coloring thing that is lots of fun too. (The difference between th Leapster and the L-Max is that the L-Max can plug into the t.v., but the games work on both).

I thinking about buying a monitor 22" and i need vocabulary and what they mean?

like...........Contrast ration, response time, resolution, interface and more help full ones. I need the monitor for gaming and movies

Is the home in which you reside most properly clified as a commodity or an et ?

et, since it can be liquidated. Once it is put up for sale, it becomes a commodity or article of commerce. Once acquired and utilized, it is once again an et.

What are the chances i will miscarage??

ok so i took a pregnancy test last nite 3 to b exact they all were posive i wentt o the docotor today and the pee test blood test wee still postive but they can figure out how i can be shoing up on tests this early i mean the number was 383 n they want me to come in on wed to take a nother one to make sure it is going up not down so i am scared what are the chances i am going to lose it i am so scared.. i mean the doctors in virgia are idiots solol.... i knwo the bes i can do is wait but it is like aaaaahhh.. so i dunno i have like very lil cramping my last period was feb 11 or 8 or somethinglol between ne wasy so i just dont know

Whats going on with me?

my period due any day an i am getting sharp pains below my bellow on in my stomach an my hurt an i feel like i got throw up lot an i did get sick once could i be expecting

Stomache pains in early pregnancy,normal symptoms?

All of what you are experiencing is normal. It is morning sickness. The having to go to the bathroom more even with poop is okay. Sometimes people, instead of getting constipated, have to go more than usual. Good luck with the pregnancy!

If gliders are not powered what makes it move after launching?

Gravity powers the glider forward. Similar to how a ball rolling down a hill is powered by gravity. The glider isn't falling due to the bernoulli effect caused by the wing.This makes it so that for the plane to fall, it must go forward as well.

Which one of the following leaders proposed the ideas for the compromise that was eventually adopted in?

It was Patterson but that won't get you the right answer on your homework, you'd have to do some digging to agree with me.

When your cat has ceasures?

We have a 2 year old Siamese cat that has wierd spouts where she starts to foam at the mouth and breaks into something that resembles a ceasure. I started to pay attention to when they happen for chemicals, like after I cleaned or something...that wasn't it. They come and go, the last one was 8 months ago until last night. We are going to take her to the the vet and of course they will run tests, but was hoping that someone has gone through this before and could offer some insight. Thanks!!!

I got a Q About a File type?

Ok so I got a WK-200 Digital Keyboard and I was wanting to put stuff I have on my keyboard onto my comp and so I did but the thing is its not a MIDI fie or anything it is a SP7 File so I'm wondering how can I just get it to import MP3 files or How can I make a SP7 file in a MP3 or WAV so I can listen to what I made?

Car not starting up smoothly?

i own a repair shop,and you might want to try doing a good basic tune up on it ,usually this will help them it sounds like your spark plugs may be getting bad in it,and id also check the fuel filter and the air filter in it,any of these things can cause it to run like that,all this stuff can be checked,and if you don't think it needs replacing,then you can look at other things on it,but id consider giving it a real good tune up,it cant hurt it none,good luck i hope this helps.

Love or glamour...?

Glamour entices for a while ! But later on it doesn't matter. In a marriage, after a while , even the brightest of stars will appear mundane because husband and wife become so much a part of each other. If you are normal,go for a normal spouse. If you are too handsome to be true , dream of Miss Universe. But later on ,Buddy , you will realise that Miss Universe or the girl next door,you have to be compatible and complementing each other to have beautiful life. Nothing wrong in desiring a beautiful spouse but watch out ! Beautiful is that beautiful does ! And it is THE TRUTH ! A loving person is what you should look for! Don't say compromise. Say 'adjustment'. Love , adjustment,trust and respect- this is the recipe for a glorious happy life.

What if NOTHING happens after 2012?

I agree with you, but they will just figure out some new scare tactics..another day that the end is sure to come..same old crap. I have read that in the year 3000, the sun will explode and disintegrate everything! Now, if it is supposed to end in 2012, what is up with that? It amazes me, that people are so into causing chaos and fear..pretty lame if you ask me...

If lenient gun laws cause crime,then why isn't Kennesaw,Georgia littered with violence?

Well I am against guns but I have one and I think every household should have one-the crime rate would be down if you knew everyone had one cause your chances of being shot are more than 50%!!

What should I do? Hair growth problem?

I had peach fuzz on my stomach, just like everyone does, but i didn't like how it looked so i started lightly shaving it to have it completely smooth. It is like i disrupted my hair follicles, now right under my belly on it grows in dark and even when there is no hair there you can tell that it has to be shaved. i don't know what to do and if there is anything that can be done. I was considering starting to maybe wax it, it's not a big area just like from the bottom of my belly on and about a half inch down. If the waxing does help with the hair growth part does anyone know of any cremes or anything of that type to help my skin so you cannot tell it is shaved? Any help would be great. Thank you in advance, only serious answers please.

How do you turn on the door chime sound on security systems?

I use a Dynamark Secuirty system. I only turn the alarm at night but when I have in on during the day I turn it off, but when I open a door and windo the annoying door chime still makes noise. How do I turn that off also? I know my p code and everyting, I just need to know how to turn the chime noise off.

Shouldn't there be elections for celebs also so they can be voted off if public is tired of them?

charlie Sheen would be 1st then lindsay Lohan, then Lady No-talent Freakshow Gaga, then Denise Riding- coattails -of- crazy -ex- and -pretending- to- be- a -martyr -Richards, Kim-What-Is-she-famous_for-Kardashian, Paris Spoiled-brat-also-what-is-she-famous-for… to name a few. I know exactly what you mean. Celebs should emulate the privacy and humility of Johnny Depp, who while he manages to stay out of the public eye, people never tire of him(hmm...people, could there be a connection? Ya think?)

Should I or Shouldn't I?

you could send her the flowers, i don't think you really have much to lose.. But if you do send the flowers, i think you should probably say they're from you, otherwise there's not much point.. and be prepared for the worst. But as i said, you really don't have much to lose, because if you don't do anything you'll never know if she does like you, and if she doesn't, then at least, it's probably better to know. hahah i hope his helps? :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Is Juan Manuel Marquez underrated in Mexico compared to Erik Morales and Barrera?

He was in the past, due the the wars waged by Barrera and Morales, and their dominance for so long over others. But Juan Manuel Marquez has made a name for himself and has emerged from their shadows to be very much respected in his own right. It's also becoming more common knowledge that both Barrera and Morales had declined to fight JMM during their stays at the top -- until Barrera finally gave him a shot last year, which is when he lost his title to "Dinamita." I'm not sure it would be very much debated that Juan Manuel Marquez's boxing skill is better than that of either Barrera or Morales.

How would you make red hot marshmallow squirters? (from Max and Ruby)?

My 3 1/2 year old son just loves Max and Ruby (the cartoon). I would love to surprise him next month by making an "earthworm cake with red-hot marshmallow squirters." The earthworm cake is easy - a crooked chocolate cake with crushed oreos for dirt, gummy worms for the earth worms coming out of the cake and chocolate icing for mud. I can't seem to find red marshmallows on the internet. I was going to try and dye some red and see what happens...any other suggestions?? Has anyone dyed marshmallows? Any ideas of the best way to do it??

Is it possible to complete "Strictly Business" in Fallout 3 if Grouse & his guard are hostile?

I saved Rory by shooting up the camp & I've waited 72+ hours but it looks like Grouse is stuck being hostile. I'm trying to get the achievement so it'll suck if I need to start all over again to complete it.

Why won't he tell me the truth?

hiya, why the hell do you sleep with a guy that you are not going out with.all it does is let him have with you,and he does not need to date you because you are giving him when will you learn,and get some respect for yourself.carry on giving to a guy and you will earn the name as a slut.

Today Kaspersky detected Windows\WinSxS\x86\_?

The one that Kaspersky is a vulnerability. Use Windows Update, as it will automatically update MSXML 4.0, or you can just go to Window's Update Site. If you use Vista, just run Automatic updates, if you use XP, use IE go the Windows Update Site (you can google it), and download updates there, as i find it easier and faster to download updates in IE.

How do you keep your faith in Jesus and God strong...?

The short answer is that you can't. That strength must come from the Lord Himself. When you are bombarded, that is usually a sign that you are doing something positive for the Lord. There is no reason to attack you if you are sitting on the sidelines of spiritual warfare. Keep close to Jesus and your Christian friends. Remember that religion of any sort is a poor substitute for your relationship with the Almighty.

Tough physics problem?

An object of m M = 3.00 kg is attached to a spring with spring constant k = 825 N/m whose unstretched length is L = 0.120 m, and whose far end is fixed to a shaft that is rotating with an angular speed of w = 5.00 radians/s. Neglect gravity and ume that the m also rotates with an angular speed of 5.00 radians/s. Given the angular speed of w = 5.00 radians/s, find the radius R(w) at which the m rotates without moving toward or away from the origin. Express your answer in meters.

I have a Home Technology Platform . What could i name it?.?

It manages Internet, Telephones, Fax, Audio - Video Distribution, UPS, Door Video Phone, CCTV, Intrusion Detection System all this on a single Platform

How can I unlock my sagem 220x mobile phone?

Does anyone know how to unlock this phone. I have paid some sites who charge about 3 quid but they just send automatic e-mails suggesting I look on google or go to shop where I bought it! I can't do that because I am now living in Spain.

Should i get a loan?

i want to get a loan to consolidate my debts and have a little money over xmas. its only short term because my ex owes me money from the house when we sell it is it agood idea

Can I get a "note" (proof) from the courthouse stating that I was there to give to HR?

Still in the initial probationary period for my job so I have to prove I attended- Of course I can use the actual summons, but it has my business all over it and I'd rather just get something if possible.

Why don't the stupid realize they're stupid?

If you think about it logically half of all the people you run into have below average intelligence.

Feedback on my poem please?

No offence, the content is no doubt good but its presentation could be better. U have materials in u but it needs a li'l bit of rhythm and nice presentation too. Check for for spellings also. Carry on, u can be more perfect... All the best......

Should floyd fight manny in a cacthweight fight?

i honestly think manny is going to have to move up in weight to face him that way. personally im not a fan of these catchweight fights and if someone if manny and his fans really want to be the one to hand mayweather his first loss, manny will have to step up to his weight but it seems complicated. marquez was at a huge disadvantage when he faced mayweather. i honestly think pacquiao has no chance if he moves up in weight to meet mayweather. mayweathers skills are just too superior rightnow. he just doesnt have fast hands, he has fast head movement,foot movement,body movement, manny just seems to have fast hands and no good head movement, he gets hit too much. as i said before,pacquiao is hittable, floyd isnt. cotto let pacquiao impose himself on him, he made the mistake of showing weakness, marquez and morales had success with pacquiao cuz they showed no fear and let pacquiao know they can trade shots as well. in anycase, if pacquiao and mayweather fight i have mayweather by unanimous decision.. what do you guys think

What would your reaction be if?

One morning there was a knock at your door and when you opened, standing on your doorstep was the Queen of England, than before you could say or do anything she turned around, jumped into the air and farted in your face, what would your reaction be?

Do you have any information on auditioning for the uglies movie as the party of Tally?

if you find out any information, could you please e-mail it to me at littleslayer17@sbcglobal.net? thank you. you can try e-miling scott also

What decides if test matchs will be kept first or ODI matches?

The cricket boards. Ind-NZ are playing tests first and then ODIs. Reverse in case of SA-Pak series who will be playing two Tests after 5 ODIs.

Make a 50cc scooter more powerful?

The easiest most cost effective way to increase your scooter power is with a big bore kit. There are dozens of companies that make them. Polini and Hoca are popular companies that make quality kits. Just make sure you increase the jet size on the carburetor or else you risk running too lean fuel mixture ration and overheating your engine. I would not waste my money on an exhaust. The biggest bang for the buck is a big bore kit.