Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Can anybody rate fix my zombie deck?

I'm sorry but this deck doesn't seem very good. try focusing on Vampire genesis and lose the red eyes. Also, have 3 copies of vampire lord and pyramid turtle. 2 epic cards that would work in this deck are Kash and ever living underworld cannon. Zombies focus on sending them to the grave so try foolish burial and card destruction. Right now you might want to only focus on zombie supporters instead of cold wave and pot of averice. It would reallly help this deck if you replace nightmare weel with something more on the terms of revival like call of the haunted or graceful revival. Monster reborn would work along with poison mummy and skull cunducter. Over all with a little elbow grease and some time this will be a truly Epic zombie deck. For some wanted help try a href="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Zombie." rel="nofollow"http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Zombie./a Have a truly Epic day!

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