Saturday, November 12, 2011

How would you interpret this behavior?

I have had this friend John Doe for four years. I let him know that I want more then just a friendship with him. He has said that he wants nothing more then a friendship. He has made comments in the past that insinuate that he wanted a relationship. Flash forward to now. We aren't speaking and I don't contact him. Lately he has been texting or calling me. He leaves rude messages stating that if I don't stop contacting him that he will call the police. I haven't contacted him. Once I answered the phone and let him know that he was mistaken that I hadn't contacted him. He just stated that I lied. He still does this behavior almost nightly now. I will probably change my number, but I would like to know why he does this? He does date my gender all the time so it's not a case of being afraid to date the same gender.

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