Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Who's the 'accountant' at your house?

Growing up my mom was a S.A.H.M. My dad brought home a paycheck and my mom looked after paying the bills. My husbands family did the same thing. Naturally (or maybe not so naturally?) we have the same arrangement. Hubby brings home a paycheck (and I also work from home) and all of our money goes into a join chequing account from which I pay all the bills (which are also in both our names). I have talked to a few other couples (who vary in ages/working arrangements) and have come to realise that this isn't nessisarily 'the norm'. I know MANY couples who have 'his' money and 'her' money and each have respetive bills to pay. I was wondering (without details such as $$$ amounts and personal info etc.) what the arrangement in your home is? Who pays what bills? If you pay 'your bills' and run short in a month do you have to 'borrow' money from your spouse? Which 'way' do you think works the best and what are some 'drawbacks' to either 'way'? Thanks everyone : ) Hope everyone has a good day!

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