Monday, November 14, 2011

What should i do when I find drugs in my sons room?

I have a 14 year old son and I just found him smoking pot in his room. I search his room and found a lot of pills in bags, water bongs and home make pipes. I took him to see a psychiatry's and she just recommended this school to put him in. this school is 2 hours away from were we live and the school hours are 9am to 3pm. so this school is not an option. I have taken everything away from him and i now take him to and from school and he is not aloud out or to play with friends.he is now starting to re-bale by breaking things up, tear up the house, break things. I have taken the belt to his and all he does if laugh and ask me if that was meant to hurt me. I need help, what should i do??? my teen is getting out of hand, some one please help me. he will not tell me or anyone were he got the drugs from!! my son has not ever really had any friends. what should i do?

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