Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What should i change my name to?

how old are you? im guessing like 15...? anyway, my name is roberta and im named after my grandma. i hated it growing up, i really did.. i got a lot of crap for it, and was even called "ro-ber-duh!" once. but, when i grew up and realized that i was different, i chilled out and i love my name now. think about it, i cam the Only roberta i have ever met who was in my generation, so that makes me unique, unlike ashley, stephanie, madison, and jessica. i love the fact that very few people have my name! and besides, im being fully Honest with you right now, i love the name ruby/rubi. i've Never met a ruby in my life and i think it's awesome that you are unique, too. why be a lindsey? there are millions of them out there (in fact my friend is due next month and is naming her baby Boy lindsey). and, you name has meaning behind it! stick with rubi... it's beautiful, inside and out! good luck! :)

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