Sunday, November 13, 2011

What are good Engineering Colleges in NYC?

Hi, I am currently a Sopre in HS and really researching about colleges and such...find a lot of great schools and few vague ones out in the wild search. I have in mind schools such as NYU Poly, Manhatten College, SUNY Bing. (knowing it is upsate) , Rensselaer Polytechnic (knowing it is upstate) and Columbia University. I don't know if all of them are so great thats why i found them vague with the information I had found. My average right now is a 92.98, I took a AP Computer Science cl my freshman year but never got to the bound of actualy taking the AP exam. I have AP World History right now. I live in NYC as well and have honor cles...but the honor cles in the NYC public system is same as any regular cl (Same lesson, same final - regents). I am also doing robotics which is part of FIRST FRC as a programmer (Java and C++). I started preparing for my SATs already since many tell me it is the perfect time to study now. Any suggestions and information and as well more colleges based on Engineering? I am mainly looking at either Computer science, Mechanical Engineering. Any suggestions/tips?

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