Sunday, November 13, 2011

Guys what does this mean? What should I do?

ok.. theres dis weird kid in my cl and he's a jerk! He used 2 sit behind me and thro stuff at me and he was like "oh sry i was aiming sumwhere else" and im like sure... and he's like "we hav 2 strong of relationship 4 me 2 thro stuff at u! i would never thro stuff at u, i luv u!" O.o. and then 2day he got mad and was like "ok i see how it is! after all i've dun 4 u! im never talkin 2 u again! our relationship is ovr!" and im like "psh" weirdo..and then people were just staring cuz he shouted it 10 ft away. hes such an idiot, and he keeps talkn' about me w/ his frends its like omg get ovr urslf! I dont noe if maybe he's picking on me cuz im the only freshman in the cl (the rest of them are sopres, juniors, and a few seniors) or he likes me? But even if he does pick on me cuz I'm the "youngest" why is he the only one? No one else in the cl wastes their time bothering me. By the way, he is a 16-yr-old sopre..He's on myspace but we nvr talk on there.

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