Sunday, November 13, 2011

Is this a good introduction to my paper?

On September 11, 2001, the terrorist cell al-Qaeda placed an all out attack on our nation’s soil. By using our jets to crash into both World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon, this countries weakness was exposed and perfectly executed by the terrorists. The mastermind of this plan was Osama bin Laden. As head of al-Qaeda, bin Laden was also the mastermind of the 1993 WTC bombings and the USS Cole bombing. A week after September 11, Congress ped the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists. This allowed our military to use military force against terrorist targets including al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The main front of the initial War on Terror was in Afghanistan, where Osama bin Laden was hiding and a large amount number of al-Qaeda and Taliban occupied. For some odd reason, 18 months after the War on Terror began, our military was placed into a new situation. The Iraq War has been going on for over four years now. Many people argue about whether we should be there anymore. We shouldn’t argue this since our government is basically giving us clear signals that we are to have a long-term presence in that country. We are building large embies and large bases in Iraq. We are increasing our troop presence in the nation. Even leading Democratic Presidential nominees can’t promise a troop withdrawal by the end of their first term in office. Instead, arguing about whether or not this nation should have went to Iraq in the first place is more appropriate. Everybody has an opinion on whether or not we should have invaded Iraq, but the reasons against invading Iraq include Iraq posed no threat to our national security, the new idea of using military force to spread democracy is ridiculous and that a war in Iraq would lead to more terrorists.

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